We struggle against easel painting...

We struggle against easel painting not because it is an aesthetic form of painting, but because it is not modern, for it does not succeed in bringing out the technical side, it is a redundant, exclusive art, and it cannot be of any use to the masses.
Hence, we are struggling not against painting but against photography carried out according to the models of painting as if it were an etching, a drawing, a picture in sepia or watercolour.
Struggling for "what" to photograph means nothing. Examples must be provided. That is what we are all doing.
A "fact" photographed badly does not represent a cultural phenomenon, and still less a cultural value for photography....
Revolution in the photographic field consists in photographing in such a way that photography will have enough strength not just to rival painting, but also to point out to everyone a new and modern way of discovering the
world of science, of technology and of everyday life....
We are obliged to make experiments. Photographing facts as mere description is not an innovation. Behind a simply photographed fact painting can be concealed, and behind a simply described fact, a romance.
You may be advocates of the "fact," but you do not describe it so simply. Comrades, you will soon end up confusing
left and right. A Leftist is not someone who photographs facts, but someone who, through photography is able to struggle against "the imitations of art," with images of high quality, and to do this he experiments until he obtains a perfect "easel" photograph. What is this easel photograph...? It is the experimental photograph. Do not study theoretically without taking advice from those with experience and do not be the worst friends of your enemies. For those who are doing actual work, abstract theories based on the aesthetics of asceticism are highly dangerous....
It is said: Rodchenko's photographs have become a bore: always looking down from above, looking up from below.

But everyone has been photographing "from centre to centre" for years; not just I but the majority of photographers ought to be taking pictures looking up from below or from above....
Damn it, nobody knows what is beautiful and what is not. They do not understand new things.

By Alexander Rodchenko

2021-06-20 23:04:33



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Writing in Novy Let
Writing in Novy Let

Alexander Rodchenko writing in Novy Let, 1928, No. 8.
