In my head I think, "There is a beautiful picture here and by God, short of murder, I'm going to get it. So shut up and hold still!" But what I say is: "You look wonderful. It'll just take a minute. It's marvelous. We're doing something very special." When people see you are bored, they start to do things. Boredom is not necessarily boring. I am agreeable. I don't project my personality on the subject, because I don't want only to photograph his reaction to me. But at he same time, I have to draw him out. Lead him. Sweep the ice and make him follow the path I've brushed. What usually interest me is having a chance to look at someone and pick out what's interesting at that moment. People can't stay self-conscious long in front of the camera. Real people get bored. Boredom in a subject can be a photographer's ally. When I bore you, you stop trying to impress me. You begin to be yourself, and I may want that to happen. The style is not something I can impose on a subject. I merely look for a point from which the camera can most vividly record the illusion of depth and from there I try to organize the picture(still keeping the background as important as the foreground) so objects in the photograph also relate to each other through the play of their abstract shapes on the surface of the print.

Pictures under discussion by John Loengard

ISBN: 0817455396 This book is available from Amazon



