Quotes by
Andre Kertesz
[1894 – 1985] born Andor Kertész, was a Hungarian-born photographer
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This was included in the obituary of Kertesz written by John Durniak, NY Times, 30, September 85.
in the TV show American Masters in 1985.
Master Photographers – The World’s Great Photographers on their Art and Technique
Page: 135
(describing himself and other artists of his age, like White, Stieglitz, Käsebier, Alvarez-Bravo)
1000 Photo Icons by Anthony Bannon (Foreword), George Eastman House
ISBN: 3822820970 Page: 539 This book is available from Amazon
in the TV show American Masters in 1985.
in the TV show American Masters in 1985.
Dialogue With Photography by Paul Hill
ISBN: 0948797665 Page: 46 This book is available from Amazon
Visions and Images : American Photographers on Photography by Barbaralee Diamonstein
Page: 191 This book is available from Amazon
Margaret R. Weiss, Saturday Review – World, January 1974 [cited in: "Creative Camera" May 1974, p. 148]
["Views on Nudes" by Bill Jay, Focal Press Ltd, London and New York 1971 p. 123]