Making a photographic project is multifaceted, of course. First of all, you have to get yourself out of the house, or your hotel, or wherever you are. You have to make that initial effort to do that. Then you have to go out and make those pictures, and then you have to bring them back and look at them, and make sense of them and think about what you’re going to do with them. Then, for me, it’s very important to make physical prints. Particularly in this day and age, when most of us are working digitally, it makes me slightly nervous to think that the thing only exists on a computer, and we all know how easy it is to lose those images. So to make physical objects... That’s never changed. I’ve always been very careful to make prints, and if I’m editing work, sequencing work, I’m always using prints to do it. I find myself a big space or the floor, and that’s how I work. I don’t move things around on the computer screen, I don’t have the kind of brain to be able to deal with that. I like to work with physical objects.