Quotes by
Robert Doisneau
[1912 - 1994] a French photographer
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Weekend Guardian (London, 4 April 1992)
Three Seconds of Eternity by Robert Doisneau (Photographer), Robert Stecker (Introduction)
ISBN: 3823821245 This book is available from Amazon
Robert Doisneau : A Photographer's Life by Peter Hamilton
ISBN: 0789200201 Page: 87 This book is available from Amazon
in the Dutch Photomagazine "Foto" April 1983
Weekend Guardian (London, April 4, 1992).
Master Photographers – The World’s Great Photographers on their Art and Technique
Page: 81
"The Encyclopedia of Photography" (1984)
The picture history of photography: From the earliest beginnings to the present day by Peter Pollack
ISBN: 0500271011 Page: 144 This book is available from Amazon
Why should I have to photograph in a foreign place when people there do it very well for themselves?