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Vero Charles Driffield
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The photographic researches of Ferdinand Hurter & Vero C. Driffield (Unknown Binding) by Ferdinand Hurter
ISBN: 0871000822 Page: 18 This book is available from Amazon
November 15th, 1903 (Reprinted from "The Photo-Miniature", Vol. V., No. 56, November, 1903) ["The Photographic Research of Ferdinand Hurter & Vero C. Driffield" (A Facsimile Edition), Morgan & Morgan, Inc., Dobbs Ferry, New York 1974, p. 341]
The Actinograph, 1880
The photographic researches of Ferdinand Hurter & Vero C. Driffield (Unknown Binding) by Ferdinand Hurter
ISBN: 0871000822 Page: 6 This book is available from Amazon
The Actinograph, A Paper read before the Liverpool Amateur Photographic Society, 25th April, 1889
The photographic researches of Ferdinand Hurter & Vero C. Driffield (Unknown Binding) by Ferdinand Hurter
ISBN: 0871000822 Page: 57 This book is available from Amazon
November 15th, 1903 (Reprinted from "The Photo-Miniature", Vol. V., No. 56, November, 1903) ["The Photographic Research of Ferdinand Hurter & Vero C. Driffield" (A Facsimile Edition), Morgan & Morgan, Inc., Dobbs Ferry, New York 1974, p. 301]